Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Shop-Vac 1030000 Air Cleaner Filtration System

This unit does a pretty good job and, considering its affordability, I think it's a good value. I like it because it's easy to move around the house for projects that generate some dust. When I am sanding and I have it near by, I can see the dust heading straight into the unit and coming out clear on the other side. So, in my book, it does its job. It doesn't catch all of the dust of course but it's much better than not having an air filter at all.

I'm also a woodworker, however, and I don't think I would ever consider using this as THE air filtration tool for my shop. I think they made a mistake by calling this a Shop Air Cleaner; if you have a woodshop and therefore generate a lot of dust, you may want to look at stepping up to a tool better suited for permanent installation on the ceiling.

For me, this tool is portable so that I can use it outside of my shop. So, if you would like something portable and affordable that keeps your lungs and house a little cleaner, I think it's worth the money.

Save 35% Off

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