Thursday, April 23, 2015

Holmes HAP9412B-U Small Room HEPA Type Air Purifier

have had this product for almost a year now. i purchased it on sale at Target for $40. I have not replaced the filter i just vacuum it out monthly and it is still performing very well. Its actually really gross how much dust this product removes from the air i breathe. The noise it generates (which isnt too loud) helps me sleep at night. I keep this thing running on high 24/7 because i have a dog that sheds (picks up his hair as well). the device has two filters the pre-filter which can be washed by hand (i spray some febreze on it to keep my room fresh. and then the regular filter. I would definetly recommend this air purifier.

UPDATE!!!!!!!!: another year has passed and i have changed the filter only once. Vacuuming it really freshens it up. I still leave it on high 24/7 only shutting it off once a week for an hour or so. The air purifier picks up so much dust and pet hair that it actually builds up on the outside part where the air intakes. All you need to do is wipe it down with a rag. Once again I HIGHLY recommend this air purifier and many of my friends have purchased this (seriously i should start selling them. people LOVE them as gifts too.) and they all love it so much. If you have a larger space they make a larger one too. My friend bought that and put it in her bead shop she owns and she says the place always smells fresh. Seriously though don't hesitate to get one.

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