Monday, March 17, 2014

Austin Air HealthMate HM 400

I searched through a large selection of air filters trying to optimize price, utility, reputation, and ease of use (I don't have time to replace some components every 6 months and other components every 3 months, etc). I decided on the Austin Air Healthmate Air Purifier. From there, it was a search for a reasonable retailer. Due to price (along with free shipping) and Amazon backing, I chose All Seasons Health.

The product arrived quickly and in perfect condition--I would definitely order other products through this retailer.

I pulled the Healthmate out of the box and after reading the instructions, I plugged it in and away it went (yep, that was it). I was having a problem with new carpet installation (an abundance of VOC's causing watering eyes, sore throat, and dizziness); the difference in just two days was remarkable and noticed by others. The Healthmate has three settings, low, medium, and high. The output on high is amazing and has an added benefit of dramatically increasing airflow in the room. The low setting is quiet enough to sit next to the machine and watch a movie without difficulty.

According to the instructions, in about four to five years I will have to replace the filter inside and from a cursory review of the instructions, it should be much simpler than replacing my water filter.

I will add further comments closer to allergy season.

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