Saturday, July 27, 2013

6 Stage Black Acrylic BA3500 New Comfort Air Purifier

I had a Hunter before purchasing this air cleaner. The hunter did good for its time, but was getting old and not cleaning the air as it should.

I have had this running 24 hrs per day for last couple days that I had this. It does wonders in cleaning the air and odors. I used the ozone on first day and you do need to air out room. I will need to take out one of the ozone plates due to size of our apt. and this pruifier is for a 3000 sq ft area. Thats about 10 times bigger than our 1 bedroom apt.

Other reviews said you get a smell like after a thunderstorm. I would not say this is true. The oder without the ozone, is noticable when first entering the apt. but you dont notice it much after a min or two. And the apt does smell alot better. I do smoke and inside the apt so I gotten this to eliminate the smoke odor and it does that very well. Better than the hunter ever did.

Will update later.

Save 78% Off

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