Ok, I'm biased because I love animals but this Animal is fabulous! We have two dogs (one shorthaired and one double-coated) and live in a mountainous rural area: can you say doghair, dirt, and firewood chips? Since I was always switching to the old upright's hose to clean under cabinets, dog beds, steps, corner cobwebs, I started thinking a canister vac might save alot of time after my husband broke the not-so-old upright. This DC39 Animal (the purple one) does *ALL* the jobs of the non-Dyson upright far faster and better, and it doesn't fall on me while using the hose like the old upright did. It's soooo light to move around rather than the heavy upright that I used to have to pick up to carefully vacuum all the fringed rugs we have (I inherited them; if YOU have a choice, buy non-fringed rugs!) and, with the Animal, I just push the button to turn off the brushhead and run the turbine head right over that fringe. Oh, and picks up an amazing amount of dirt along with the doghair!
The canister really does follow you around very easily (heels better than my dogs lol) and does not fall over--I forget it's there and take it around corners and over rugs without any tipping. The turbine head does most of the picking-up-doghair work with the included "mini me" version doing service on the dogbed edges. The other included attachments are a crevice tool which can slide a brush down for gentler pickup but it's too big to fit under the fridge or freezer, and a stair element which works great on the four carpeted steps up to our garage. The tube part of the handle adjusts easily to different heights and the turbine head has a Dyson ball-type joint where it joins the tube; it can get extremely flat and turns every which way, allowing me to clean under furniture and cabinet edges that I used to have to dust mop after I vacuumed.
Another huge plus for me is very little bending is needed with this vac. I have a bad back and am tall so I love being able to turn it on and off and retract the cord with my foot and turn off the brushhead at the handle. No more bending over to switch from bare floor to low rug to high rug to hose! Pulling out the cord (and unand re-plugging) and pulling off/reinstalling the canister are the only bending required.
What could be better? Well, of course, the price be better (lower) but I think how easy and fast it is to have a great cleaning job and it's worth it. The tube and handle fit awkardly onto the canister so right now I just prop it up in the closet and will get a vacuum hose holder to hang it securely. The cord could be longer but I wouldn't trade a longer cord for non-retracting that I have to wind myself. There could have been more attachments included, again for the price, as I bought the extra Home Cleaning Kit (see below). The doghair sticks to the Turbine Head and tube but I wiped it down with some anti-static spray as someone recommended and that helps a bunch. The canister could hold more and I've read other complaints about emptying bagless vacs but that's not specific to the Dyson anymore and you just have to use common sense to be empty it in a tall garbage can. If you have a zillion carpeted stairs, the included stair attachment is perhaps small (I'm not familiar with other stair attachments) and could take awhile.
I wanted the (not included) Home Cleaning Kit primarily for the Multi-Angle Brush to clean my high bookshelves and cabinet tops without a stepladder and many dustrags. The crevice tool brush does a good job on dusting but the Soft Brush is wider and cleans in a keyboard in one swipe. The Stiff Bristle brush I haven't had to use yet but wait until we're back from the spring cattle roundup and have to clean that muddy truck.
This vac does several jobs (vacuuming, dusting, dust mopping) in one fell swoop so I get cleaning chores done faster and easier. How much more can you really ask of a vacuum?
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