I use about a gallon of water a day and I know this because I use to buy filtered water either in new containers or refilling five gallon water bottles. I did not want a water filter that I had to plumb in under the sink or anything that I would have to attach to the water faucet. When I researched the ceramic filter with the carbon center and the impregnated silver and the number of gallons of city tap water that this unit would process ~ 6,000 gallons! ~ I calculated that I would break even, at one dollar a gallon at the store, in less than one year. Added to this, the first set of filters will last well into ten years. Being conservative, and assuming I use only 300 gallons a year that is 3,000 less plastic containers going into land fills, thousands of dollars saved, 24,000 pounds of water I do not have to carry from the grocery store to my home ~ water weights 8 pounds per gallon ~ and who knows what else. I fill it up at night and have water all day. I am proud to own something that really is GREEN and that makes my life so much easier and my carbon footprint so much smaller. Highly, highly recommended. OK, one con: It takes up precious counter space if you have a small place. A small price to pay for such a wonderful, simple, valuable convenience.
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