This was the first time I purchased the Green Label brand. I usually buy the Envirocare, but I saw this package deal and it looked like an affordable way to get a new HEPA filter for my Carina. Unfortunately, although the bags fit, the filter did not. The seller should list the exact models of Miele canister vacuums that their HEPA filter fits. Overall, I prefer the Envirocare generic bags to the Green Label, but both brands are comparable in thickness, strength and usability. Some people dislike the Envirocare brand because of the cardboard closure. I have never had any problems with that style, but if you prefer a plastic closure, the Green Label bags are a good buy. Remember, when buying any brand of generic bags, you are not getting the the thickness and inner foil layer of the brand bags, but these get the job done for a quarter of the price of Miele brand bags.
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