Thursday, June 25, 2015

Mammoth Pure Home Series 7 Stage HEPA Ionic Carbon TiO2 Ozone Air Purifier

My son was recently diagnosed with leukemia and as part of making the house as healthy as possible in order to minimize illness while his immune system is compromised from the cancer and the chemo, we purchased 3 Mammoth 1000 Air purifiers. We are very happy with the purchase. Not only do we believe that it has helped our son not get sick but it has managed to keep our household's seasonal allergies at bay as well. Large volumes of dust in the air which are very prevalent in the desert of Arizona not only wreak havoc on a allergy sufferers but they can harbor valley fever (coccidioidomycosis) spores and other pathogens which can be deadly for the immunocompromised. It was to eliminate these from the air that drove us to make this purchase.

The Mammoth has the benefits of having a HEPA filter and a UV sterilizer in order to kill bacteria that are passed through it. You are also able to purchase separately ozone plates. Applying an ozone plate for a brief period of time while not home, we are able to "clean" the house by dispersing ozone which is highly reactive and thus toxic to most microbes, killing them. The timer on the Mammoth can make sure that the ozone treatment is applied while we are not home and then given enough time to clear so that we are not exposed. This is a very nice optional feature which is infrequently used but a nice bonus.

The Mammoths are easy to set up right out of the box. You simply plug them in. They come with a remote which I think is silly and unnecessary. The manual, it seems, was written by someone whose first language was not English; nevertheless, it is easy enough to understand. The price is certainly right and the replacement HEPA filters and ozone plates can be obtained relatively cheaply compared to the alternatives that we've seen directly from Mammoth.

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