Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Alen T100 - HEPA Style Desktop Air Purifier
Whynter Activated Carbon Replacement Filter
in other words bought a few other items to make it qualify and saved on
shipping. This was great.
This fit in my Whynter ARC-14S 1400 btu dual duct portable AC.
There are tiny gaps at the edges that worry me a bit, but i don't think
that is probably avoidable with this replacement carbon filters, as they
even have a porosity throughout, as part of their structure, which
represents equivalent space, or gaps through which air flows somewhat
I have zero idea how much a carbon filter of this type actually accomplishes,
and would love to know. i have a $500 air purifier in which is around ten pounds
of actual activated carbon, which i have to replace every year or so, and that air
filter is "convincing". but this Whynter product is an AIR CONDITIONER not
an air filter, so i guess having the added little carbon filter cannot hurt.
if anybody knows more about how much these filters really do, if anything,
i hope they post here.
Monday, June 29, 2015
24x30x1-merv 12 A/c Furnace Air Filters By Nordic Pure
This is a huge filter, so it's hard for a piece of cardboard to remain rigid. During the summer when the humidity is higher, I've had the filter get sucked into my air handler, though I honestly think that the fault of my filter port there's no cross beam to provide support for the center of the filter. However, keep this in mind if you're buying a large filter like this.
Not much more to say the filters do their job and you throw them away every month or two. It's not a sexy part of your HVAC system, but it's an essential one.
Ridgid 72947 VF4000RT Standard Filter
Sunday, June 28, 2015
BestAir L8-C Lasko Cascade Humidifier Filter
Holmes HAP716-U True HEPA 3 Speed Tower Allergen Remover
Another plus is that the pre-filter is washable, so you don't have to purchase two sets of replacement filters. Most of the other purifiers that I researched used incredibly expensive filters. I could have easily just purchased a brand new air purifier for the same price. But the filters for the Holmes True-HEPA tower are only half the price of the device itself, which isn't bad at all, in my opinion.
The bottom line is: if you have serious issues with dust, household odors, or allergies, this is the best $80 you will ever spend.
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Blueair 200/303 Series SmokeStop Filter Replacement
Rabbit Air MinusA2 SPA-780A
I spent several weeks researching air purifiers and came away with the conclusion that IQ Air, Austin Air and Blueair are probably the best that the industry has to offer as far as big and powerful air purifiers go these days (IQ Air has a carbon filter with 5 pounds of charcoal and Austin Air has 15 pounds of charcoal ... 15 pounds!). So why didn't I choose one of those? Price, noise level, size and looks were the determining factors (although Blueair has good noise ratings and they look attractive, but are a bit on the pricey side). Excluding any of those models wasn't easy. Nor was it easy to cross off less expensive mid-power sized units from Sharp and Winix. I also had a difficult time choosing between several models of Rabbit Air. Decisions ... decisions....
In order to educate myself in the murky waters of outrageous air purifier claims, I turned to the internet, but at first I found no real help (not many websites review air purifiers). I had recently purchased a small, one-room air purifier from Alen and didn't do enough research. Turned out that I wasn't exactly thrilled with that purchase (although it's really not a bad unit per se ... I rated it 3 stars). Fortunately, I eventually found a website that took reviewing and testing of these products very seriously, which gave me more confidence when I decided to go for a more powerful (and expensive) unit in the living room. I highly recommend Air-Purifier-Power as the one and ONLY source (at present) to help shed some light on this less than stellar industry. Personally, I wouldn't rely on Consumer Reports as far as air purifiers go. I found them to be of little help and their testing methods for air purifiers have been under fire for years, and I can see why. What they rated highly gave me a good chuckle.
So now that I have the Rabbit Air 700A, what do I think? As the title indicates, this is a very quiet air purifier, perhaps one of the top two or three in the industry (of the ones that have fans ... I won't go into what I think about those that don't have fans). This unit has five different fan speeds (silent, low, medium, high and turbo). To me, noise level was as critical as cleaning ability. What good is an air purifier if it interferes with your daily living? I didn't want to have to turn up the TV to drown out a fan. Of course at the two top speeds (high and turbo), one can easily hear the 700A throughout the house. Still, its high speed is quieter than many products at mid speeds. So do yourself a favor and check out fan output (CFM) and the associated noise level (dBA) on any model you may want to purchase. The Rabbit Air 700A is about 46 dBA on turbo speed (@ 187 CFM) and under 21 dBA on silent speed (@47 CFM)! BTW, some products are even quieter than this, but check the CFM to see if they are putting out as much air at that noise level.
I chose the 700A over the 780A for a couple of reasons, even though I would have preferred black over white (not too impressed with the looks of this white model). The two reasons were value and noise level. These two models are virtually identical except the fan is revved up a bit on the 780A, making it a tad louder, but has the ability to suck in and blow more air and cover a little larger area. The first three speeds on the 700A (silent, low, medium) are indeed quiet, and the silent speed is aptly named. I have to get within 4 or 5 feet to begin hearing it. The CADR (clean air delivery rate) rating on the 700A and 780A is the same (except the 780A has a slightly better Pollen rating). As far as square footage is concerned, divide any number that these manufacturers spew out by two (normal ceilings) or three (high ceilings) and you will get a closer idea of what is realistic. If you assume the manufacturer's claims are legit, you may be in for disappointment (I'm pretty sure they calculate all these numbers based upon normal ceiling height and maximum fan speed, which is unrealistic in the normal home environment). I'd like to see a CADR rating at each fan speed and the use of volume in addition to square footage as far as coverage specification, but fat chance that these will ever be implemented.
What separated the Rabbit Air products from each other (the 700A and 780A vs their other models), as well as other manufacturers models, is the ability to choose a custom filter (they have four to choose from at present: germ, toxin, pet allergy and odor). This is a great idea, and one can order a specific filter type depending upon one's needs. I find this makes perfect sense. And installing and changing filters is simple and painless (pealing off the cellophane wrapper on these filters is a bigger pain than installing them). It also has a permanent pre-filter one can vacuum and/or wash, which I find a very important feature. Pre-filters pick up the biggest particulate matter, and I will no longer buy an air purifier without a cleanable pre-filter. Live and learn.
The ad states that it is a six stage purification system: anti-microbial pre-filter (read silver), anti-bacterial medium filter (additional dust catcher, which is unusual in the industry and helps not to overtax the HEPA filter), BioGS HEPA filter (I guess it gets that name because they added some anti-viral agents ... yeah, whatever), custom filter (not many companies I know, if any, have this option) and carbon filter (although I doubt there is much more than a pound of charcoal in it, but I haven't measured the weight). I guess the mysterious sixth stage is a negative ion generator (the good kind, but who knows these days?). I like the fact that their filter kits, which include the four changeable filters, are reasonably priced and are one of the better values I have found.
This model comes with a decent set of electronics and lights for giving you information, plus it performs automatic cycling (changes fan speed depending upon the air quality that the particle sensor reads), but it doesn't come with an odor sensor. This probably isn't too big of a deal since these sensors are hardly reference quality to begin with. However, even knowing the limitations of these sensors, I like the idea of having them included and thought for the price I paid for the 700A an odor sensor should have come with this unit. At least the particle sensor gives me some feedback (accuracy not withstanding) and a baseline to go from.
Rating air purifiers may not be too accurate unless one has used their particular model for a full filter cycle (anywhere from 6 months to a year depending upon the environment it is in). I've only owned this product for a little over 2 months now, and during that time I found the quality and performance has been very good. If things change during the year, I'll report back. So, between 1 and 10, I rate the Rabbit Air MinusA2 SPA-700A (that's a mouthful) an 8, or a solid 4-star rating, but this is assuming it will give me years of untroubled service (it does come with a 5 year warrantee, which is a big plus). Other than thinking it should have included an odor sensor (one of their cheaper models include this), I wish it had a more hefty carbon filter, say 3 pounds of charcoal at minimum, but it is what it is. This marginal carbon filter is the reason I selected the custom odor filter option (although I may opt for a different custom filter later on and swap them whenever I choose). I also felt that they should have provided a wall mounting bracket since they advertise it being wall mountable. Now if this bracket was an expensive to make add-on, I'd understand. But it's a bracket they make for a buck and sell for 10, so I consider this wringing out every cent they can from the consumer. I also had to laugh at their ridiculous claim concerning their "mood" light. Still, I'm pretty happy with this unit, but for the life of me I don't know where I can put it so it will be unobtrusive (but that would be the case for any of these devices).
Update 03/10/13: Well, it's been three years since I bought this machine and it is still going strong and is just as silent. I put in my third set of filters last month. I suspect that ripping out carpet, cutting several rooms of drywall as well as sawing wood flooring reduced the life of the second filter set by quite a bit. While it is obviously pulling out dust particles from my home, one has to wonder how much it really makes a difference in the long run.
Friday, June 26, 2015
Alen Paralda - Dual Airflow Air Purifier Tower
The Paralda is long and slender yet compact it easily fit in our living room and didn't stick out like a sore thumb. It is very quiet and has varying speeds. It also had a UV lamp that zaps bacteria and anything the HEPA air filter doesn't get. I noticed the air seemed fresher and there was less dust on the furniture. It felt like the pristine air you usually find in the dentist office fresh, cleaner, very comfortable. The Paralda is not noisy at all compared to our Ionic Breeze air purifier we used to keep in my mother's bedroom. The control pad was very easy to figure out even my mother could manage it on her own.
We have had the Paralda for several weeks now and my mother seems to have more energy from sleeping better as a result of our cleaner air which makes the price, to me, completely worth it. I must also mention we run the Paralda all the time and we have seem no marked increase in our electric bill ... it is a Energy Star rated appliance and every little bit of savings helps us nowadays. I'd highly recommend this unit.
Eva-Dry E-333 Mini-Dehumidifier
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Ionic Pro CA200T Twin Pack Compact Ionic Air Purifier
These Ionic purifiers do work; however, mine stopped working after a year and here's what the Tech Support representative told me over the phone:
Rep: "Sir, how long have you owned the twin purifiers?"
Me: "about a year and a few months now."
Rep: "What is the problem?"
Me: "A RED light comes on right after I turn them on but the metal filters are clean!" Note: red light means filters must be cleaned.
Rep: "Ok, sir. What you need to do is send them both in and we'll replace them"
Me: "How much will this cost me?"
Rep: "$50 for you to send them and another $30-$50 for us to send them back"
Me: "What is the reason why they BOTH stopped working?"
Rep: "Well, after 1 year, use or no use, the wires inside the purifiers die and need replacing"
Me: "So, every year or so I must spend another $100 to get these working again?!!!"
Rep: "Yes, Sir. That's correct."
Me: "Ok. Well forget it. I will go on and give my review on these items right now."
As these Ionic purifiers seem to do a good job cleaning the air "without the consumer having to keep buying filters", the truth is that you must continue buying them every year for $100. According to the rep they give you news ones; they do not fix them or replace the dead wires.
I, for one, will not purchase this brand again. I do not hold a grudge against the people who sold them to me or the makers, but you as a consumer who wants things to last and work properly, beware of this twitch/deffect/malfunction or whatever you may want to label it.
Do your research for a real good filter. I am off to that search right now.
Mammoth Pure Home Series 7 Stage HEPA Ionic Carbon TiO2 Ozone Air Purifier
The Mammoth has the benefits of having a HEPA filter and a UV sterilizer in order to kill bacteria that are passed through it. You are also able to purchase separately ozone plates. Applying an ozone plate for a brief period of time while not home, we are able to "clean" the house by dispersing ozone which is highly reactive and thus toxic to most microbes, killing them. The timer on the Mammoth can make sure that the ozone treatment is applied while we are not home and then given enough time to clear so that we are not exposed. This is a very nice optional feature which is infrequently used but a nice bonus.
The Mammoths are easy to set up right out of the box. You simply plug them in. They come with a remote which I think is silly and unnecessary. The manual, it seems, was written by someone whose first language was not English; nevertheless, it is easy enough to understand. The price is certainly right and the replacement HEPA filters and ozone plates can be obtained relatively cheaply compared to the alternatives that we've seen directly from Mammoth.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
The National Sleep Foundation Bedroom Machine HealthMate 402 Air Cleaner from Austin Air
Neoair Enviro 68108 Advanced Air Purifier
I consider myself somewhat of a gadget freak and air freak, so I'm well versed in these products.. I own "Hunter", "Holmes", and "Air-Tech" units..Ranging from "hepa" to "ionic". From $30.00 to $200 ++. This unit has it all..Its compact, quiet, efficient, effective, and attractive..Plus it has additonal features of being automatic (it adjusts speed to degree of contaminants) and bacteriostatic (kills mold and mildew spores).
Its got the price and features..and has proved reliable for the past 4 months I've owned it...
Its been the best choice I've made in these products..
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Siege Garbage Pals Garbage Can Fresheners
AC Infinity AI-CFD120BA Dual 120 Quiet Cabinet Fan Kit
Subsequent temperature measurements indicated 100+ degrees F which is significantly higher than the optimal ~ 85 degrees F. At that point I started my search and came across the AC-Infinity family of rack coolers. Even though I wasn¡¦t using a rack, I am pretty good at ad hoc mods.:)
I elected the small 2 fan configuration (dual 80) as the most optimal for my application. I rigged the unit with a few wire ties and a push tack on the back of the shelf situate above the amp. Plugged it into the switched amp outout and the results were better than I anticipated. The unit now runs at ambient temperature even after hours of typical use. I cannot hear the fans even when nothing is playing.
Service: 3 days from order to install. Are you kidding me!
Monday, June 22, 2015
Dirt Devil 100 Classic 7 Amp Bagless Handheld Vacuum Cleaner
Winix 119110 Ultimate Replacement Filter
Change this about once a year and you should be good. don't forget to clean the prefilter every couple of months to extend the longivity of the main filter.
Sunday, June 21, 2015
HAPF-22 Holmes HEPA Aftermarket Replacement Filter
Dyson Airblade AB 02, 110-120V, Die Cast Aluminum
You just put your hands in the slot; the air turns on (no heat needed) and strips the water off of your hands as you slowly raise them out of the unit. This is a revolution in electric hand dryers.
I wish every manager of a public bathroom would buy one or two of these. I would even be willing to give up having paper towels as a backup.
Saturday, June 20, 2015
6 Inch Hydroponic Inline Air Carbon Filter Odor Control
i'm beginning to see a trend with Amazon sellers selling (or what i call 'dumping off') what appear to be not-as-pictured or used/slightly scratched stuff. just got a nextgen 400/600 ballast that looks used. 2 very dissappointing purchases in a row.
Febreze AF-FB2030 20-Inch by 30-Inch
Friday, June 19, 2015
Vicks Ultrasonic Cool Mist Humidifier
I think it's clear that without at least once weekly maintenance -IE, a full cleaning, probably with diluted white vinegar to help remove buildup this unit will eventually fail.
Is that the manufacturer's error?? No way!
A basic understanding of an atomizer, otherwise known as a nebulizer, actually functions will explain this.
The little metal plate at the bottom of this humidifier agitates the molecules of the water, along with... ALL OF THE DISSOLVED AND SUSPENDED SOLIDS IN THE WATER!
By contrast, a hot humidifier uses a heating element to raise the water's temperature high enough to cause the water to switch phases and become steam.
Since steam is really bad at carrying dissolved or suspended particles of anything it, all the minerals in your water are left behind on the heating element.
That is the white or colored gunk you will see on a typical hot steam generating humidifier.
This does not occur with ultrasonic humidifiers like the V-5100-NS because everything in the water is atomized. Everything it is agitated so much that it rips away from its adjacent molecules and becomes an ultra-fine mist.
Any and all contaminates in your tap water will be atomized and sprayed all over the place -this is how the humidifier works. It is not a design flaw.
It's important to note that in some cities, the PPM or parts-per-million of dissolved solids can be has high as 500 PPM or more -this might not seem like much, but at those levels you will be atomizing a lot of interesting minerals, with unknown effects.
So, if you want to use this product you are pretty much stuck using very filtered water (NOT just a Brita, I would recommend a decent reverse-osmosis system to really help lower the PPM) or just buying distilled water, which is actually very inexpensive if you buy in bulk. Do not buy distilled water at the grocery story -it'll likely be marked up a lot.
No humidifier is perfect, and all methods of creating a mist for use in raising the relative humidity of a space will have problems with water contaminants, unless you are using absolutely pure distilled water. This is a matter of physics and solubility, not some problem with the technology being used to generate the water mist.
Lastly, I've been using the model V-5100-NS for a while now and I have been very satisfied with it. It generates a very consistent stream of cool mist, and the fan is indeed very quiet. I've owned many other models of humidifiers, and this is absolutely the quietest by far. Could I sleep in the same room with it?
DeLonghi ECAM23210B Compact Magnifica S Beverage Center
Thursday, June 18, 2015
16x24x1 (15.5 x 23.5) Accumulair Emerald Filter
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