The water containers are meant to be easy to fill, and from a faucet are but you won't have much luck filling them faster from your tub as you would on other models. Plus, the open mouth requires you to be a little more careful with dropping them back into the unit. Everything's plastic and sturdy.
Sound wise, it's not too loud. It has it's moments right when you fill it our turn it on for the first time, but it's rather quiet otherwise. There is some noise and unless you want some small white noise while you sleep, I'd leave it in another room.
While you may see this unit a lot in Bed Bath and Beyond and Linnens and Things those two stores do a horrible job of maintaining filters and additives for it or any other humidifier that the sell. Buy some spare ones here, you'll save about $4 or $5 dollars and use an additive on each fill as you would a normal unit.
As for it's airwashing ability, it doesn't hurt. I can't tell you for sure if it's a good replacement for normal air cleaner, it's certainly a little quieter. As I have cats I have a host of aircleaning products and bought this with aircleaning and humidification in mind, but more for the humidification first and air cleaning second. It's constant recycling of the air pulls the warm air down and recirculates it. I wouldn't buy this as your sole unit for air cleaning, but a nice add on in the winter if you need humidification.
I've really been quite surprised at the amount of coverage I get with this unit. I would definitely recommend you try it before you spen $100+ on console units which do a similar/less job of humidification.
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