i was a little uncertain that filters like this worked very well at all. i have been using it for about a month now. it seems to be working quite well. the room i am filtering the air from does not have alot of oder. but, when i open the door to the room where the filter is you can smell a little oder. the area right out side of where the room is vented too. has no detectable oder at all. once things are in full bloom and giving off alot of odor i am sure the filter will still work as well. so, in my opion if you don't want your guests to ask you why your house or apartment smells like fresh flowers or tomato plants all the time. i would install one of these filters. bottom line is they realy work well. p.s. before you go and think something bad is being grown. my wife and i are vegetarian's and fresh organic produce is very hard to come by where we live. during the winter months we can't grow out side with 3 feet of snow on the ground. so we home can and freeze what we grow in the summer. grow inside what we can in the winter so we can have some fresh produce. and yes plants like tomato's smell very strong.

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