Friday, August 29, 2014

RPS Products Inc H100-6 Humidifier Filter

Item: BestAir Extended Life Humidi-WICK.

Rating: 4/5 (good)

Changing humidifier wicks (for "evaporative" type humidifiers) is a necessary evil and recurring annual expense. It's necessary because after a few short weeks, the hardness in your water will be left behind as a precipitate in the wicks, turning them hard. Also, bacteria and mold/mildew can begin to build up, causing an off-smell and discoloration. These things will occur no matter which brand of wick you buy, so the only essential criteria that matter with regards to buying wicks is:

* Do they fit your make/model of humidifer ?

* Do they have a good evaporation rate throughout their lifespan ?

* Do they maintain their physical integrity (i.e., not fall apart) ?

* Are they a decent value, compared to similar brands ?

In my case, the answer for this brand appears to YES on all 4 counts. Previously, I'd always bought Holmes HWF-100's, but as of this writing these are less expensive. This package includes 6 filters (3 pairs), which in my region is enough to last me one winter season (just over 1 month per pair).


p.s. Terminology nit: amazon, and various vendors and reviewers frequently (and erroneously) refer to these as "filters". They are, in fact, "wicks". Any filtration that occurs happens indirectly, as a result of the wicking and evaporative process.

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