The president of Vapamore says in the comments section of my Vapamore review that he spent "hours" on the phone with me. This is not true. He may have spent hours with the dealer I bought it from, who was concerned that I be satisfied with the purchase and was concerned with my complaints, but Vapamore did not spend "hours" on the phone with me. The president of Vapamore also says the steamer I sent back worked perfectly when the company got it back. I wouldn't have sent it back if it worked. Maybe the returned steamer worked because Vapamore replaced my returned hose with a new one, I don't know. I noticed when I was packing to send the steamer back there was a bulge in the hose near the top of the hose. The tech had told me when I called to report that my new steamer wasn't working that the two most common problems with Vapamore steamers are blown fuses on the steamers and issues with the hose. My new steamer had been used two hours when it began producing limited steam and pressure.
I will say the dealer I bought my Vapamore from returned my money in full and I was satisfied to get my money back.
After the Vapamore debacle, I purchased a more expensive steamer and am happy with it.
I've read Vapamore says its product materials are made in Italy and assembled in China, though others report only its made in China. I don't know. I can only say that in comparing actual use of the two steamers the Vapamore is like a cheap motorized toy car and the steamer I purchased for $500 is like a Honda Accord, mid-priced, high performance and great reliability.
Original post:
The first day I used my new Vapamore Primo 100 steamer for 2 hours and it worked fine. The next day, five days after receiving the steamer and the second time I used it, I could turn the steamer on but it would not clean and produced seemingly limited heat and pressure. I followed the instructions exactly when using it. I called Vapamore and the company told me that the steamer could have different issues and that Vapamore would repair the steamer if I sent it back but that it would not replace it with a new steamer, per its warranty policy, even if it stopped working immediately after I got it.
I read online other Vapamore customers whose new steamers did not work and they sent them in to be repaired and they still did not work. I insisted to Vapamore I wanted a new steamer because if this one broke after 2 hours use what might the future hold for it. I was so frustrated in dealing with the company over my brand new dud Vapamore steamer I sent it back for a refund, with my paying return shipping costs. My experience with the Vapamore Primo 100 steamer and the company was not good.
Update of review on Vapamore Primo 100:
Vapamore called me this afternoon and wanted me to remove or modify my Amazon review that I posted yesterday and said it would send me a new steamer. The CEO of Vapamore sent me an email saying he had approved having a new steamer sent to me after my first call to the company in which I had to repeatedly insist that I did not want my brand new broken Vapamore Primo 100 steamer repaired but wanted it replaced, and the CEO added there must have been some "confusion" for me to think the company was balking at sending me a new one. I was happy to give the steamer, that I paid for, a second chance. Then I get another call from Vapamore later today saying the CEO now says the company will not provide me with a new steamer to replace the one that broke after I used it for 2 hours but instead will only repair it. Wow, straight from the CEO. The CEO's refusal to send a new steamer is in keeping with what others online say, that the company would only repair their broken steamers, and then the steamers still often didn't work. The warranty says Vapamore can replace or repair a steamer at its discretion. I'm updating this, as Vapamore requested, but only to say this is the worst customer experience ever! If your steamer works, I wish you the best with it. If it doesn't, my experience and others who left comments here about their broken steamers indicate the company will offer to repair your new steamer, not replace it. Good luck.
(There are at least two threads for Vapamore reviews on Amazon and my review is also on the other thread.)
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