Lo and behold! I found something that works! This little slice of heaven moves a ton of air and I don't necessarily consider it to be noisy. I'm used to the white noise my PC makes to begin with and sleep with a fan running so it doesn't bother me at all. I would say it's about as loud as your standard box fan on a medium or low setting. It's comforting to know this machine is chewing through enough air and making a difference in the level of dust in the room. I shut my bedroom door and turned the little unit on "high" and let it go to work. Within two hours there was a noticeable difference in the air and I could no longer see bits of particulate floating through the air with my flashlight.
The price of the proprietary filters isn't going to be a problem. I already felt like I was keeping Pfizer (makers of the OTC allergy medicine "Zyrtec") and the Halls cough drop company in business up to this point so in the long run I'll probably end up saving a few bucks. I'm not sure why some people are having trouble attaching and detaching the rear grill. Unless you're a handicapped mongoloid invalid with Parkinson's, it's a pretty straight forward process.
I'll have to do a little bit more research on the "ionizer" feature. The instructions claim it's safe, but I know better. I'm not entirely sure it's healthy to inhale electrically charged molecules that are blowing past my head all night.
Either way, I'm waking up in the morning feeling great instead of coughing up a lung! I also ordered a 3M Filtrete filter for my central air conditioner. I'm hoping it complements this purifier.
My allergies haven't gone away completely, but having this unit around makes a huge difference. It might not work for everyone, but I'm happy with it.
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