I have been researching mops, steam mops, wood floor sweepers, etc. for about two months. I have read every pro and con of pretty much everything out there. I have a ton of wood floor and tile in my house and I absolutely cannot stand to clean it. I hate sweeping the wood floor, I hate the debris that flies in the air, I hate bending over with the dust pan, I hate the sticky feeling my swiffer leaves behind, I just overall have hated my floors for 5 years because they never ever feel clean. I had a friend sing the praises of the Shark steam mop the other day, so I finally decided to break down and buy SOMETHING. I didn't even care if it did an excellent job, I just wanted something. Butmy one qualification was that it be a combo steamer and sweeper. I just had to solve the sweeping issue at the same time. Which leaves you with pretty much the Bissell or the Shark. I looked at the Shark at Wal-mart and the bottom of it made me laugh. The vacuum hole is like 3 inches wide and has no brush or anything. I was not impressed with that. So I went to Target and picked up the Bissell. And now I want to marry it and become Mrs. Bissell because it is so fantastic. A few things about this machine you might want to know: It has an awesome, LONG strong cord. It has a really cool "dyson-like" ball joint that makes it super easy to manuever. The steam works great, the water tank looks tiny, but it lasts a really long time, it comes with two pads that are thick and strong, it lays completely flat when going under furniture, it fits under the counters in the kitchen, it doesn't leave very much water on the floor (I read other complaints of other manchines that leave a ton of water), it dries really fast, it heats up and is ready in 15 seconds or less, it has a clear compartment on top so you can see what debris it is picking up. One caveatthe suction is not super strong, but then again I like my vacuums to sound like a jet engine and suck my skin off if they had the chance, so maybe I am picky. But the brush feature does pick up a lot of stuff. And having the cleaning pad right behind it helps to trap stuff too. So for instance it picked up small leaves, not a band-aid wrapper. It picked up cracker crumbs and bugs, but not a tag to a shirt. The machine is meant to be used with the vacuum and the steamer going simultaneously to save time, however, I like to use just the vacuum and dry cloth to dust mop/vacuum my floors and then activate the steam and do it seperately. But I did use it together and it did okay. Another nice feature is that it is a light and easy machine so you really enjoy using it and don't feel like you are lugging out a Volkswagen to do your chores. I have had it two days and I have been using the vacuum constantly. I love that thing! And once you do an initial cleanthe follow-up cleanings are a snap! I finally feel like my floors are clean. It has changed my whole feeling about my house. As far as anything I don't like, you do have to squeeze a trigger for when you want steam and if you are steaming your whole floor then your finger hurts by the end and that is a little annoying. It does also take some upmh! to push it when you are steam cleaning at first. I am sure it gets easier as the floor is cleaner :) Anyway, this machine is one of the best purchases I have made in a long time. I highly recommend it!
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