There are no extension tubes (why would you want them anyhow) and the is no flat attachment.
What you do get:
(1) DataVac 3 (two speed) really good power cord (rubber not plastic)
(1) Rubber (not plastic hose)
(1) A long nozzle attachment
(1) Bruch attachment (very soft)
(1) Really great micro long reach attachment
(1) Extra Foam filter
(1) Extra Bad (Buy more trust me)
(1) Awesome quality anti-static wrist unit with extra long cord (USA Quality)
(1) Great Padded carry bag with plenty of extra space.
OK now for the realty check for the nay sayers. This is a COMPUTER AND SERVER vacuum. Not a car detailing vacuum or pet hair cleaning vacuum. Just computers and servers and guess what it does an amazing job. Also if you can not figure out how to use a vacuum as simple as this one...well maybe you should not buy it.
Seriously it is per-assembled plug in and use. You can open it and well to replace the bag is kind of like; Remove old bag, slip in new that is kind of it. Not much more to do really. You can look at it for a while, I prefer to just close it back up after that.
Now I own Occams Razor Security and we do a lot of server work. Today I was at a client working on a SCO Unix Conversion and we needed to clean a server which lets just say has not been opened let alone cleaned for around 20 years. Yep one of those servers. The kind where the dust bunnies are more like really mad, haven't been fed for years, bite your head off dust bunnies.
Well the DataVac 3 cleaned so well, the client was literally speechless, they wanted to know where to get one. Suffice it to say the price tag kind of gave them a reality check in that area.
Also Notice the word "Rubber" in the parts description this means reduces the likely hood of static discharge Metal grounded case with wrist strap you can clip to metal connectors on handle. Hmmmm, more anti-static safety.
Look this is not a cheap machine, we use them a lot! At ORS we always offer system cleaning as a value added service. So DataVac is the only way to go for us. Look at it this way our clients trust us to keep their systems running in top condition and I do not want to hear a client say my mother board got fried when you vacuumed out our system. So we only use DataVac and nothing else. Think your vacuum does not generate static electricity go nuts and vacuum your home system it is like playing Russian runlet with your system, maybe it will survive. Me I have seen to many systems go bye bye do to normal vacuums and computer motherboards.
The Data Vac 3 ESD unit meets Government Specifications for static discharge protection and it is a quality machine made in the USA. No cheap parts found here. It is built like a tank and I know that myself or an associate going out to a client will never have to worry about the DataVac working.
You want need a quality computer or server vacuum look no further, you want to complain about attachments that are not needed, get another vacuum. This one is for professionals and it is well worth the money.
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