**UPDATED**: Final "hepa" filter is supposed to trap the finest particles. The original filter snaps shut tightly so there is no leakage. Not so in this imitation. The oblong filter just fits and pops out easily. I tested by applying pressure on each end (top then bottom) of the filter alternate to see if the other end pops out. It does. And with it the fine dust particles which it is supposed to trap falls out in a puff of cloud. In 4 yrs I have not sneezed with the Hoover WindTunnel. Hv done so at least a dozen time since and an old dust allergy has been manifesting the last 2 days.**Update: old dust allergy has resurfaced for 3 weeks now.
Disappointed. Not fit for purpose "as is". To use this, some modification is required to rectify you have to duct tape around the filter to seal it into position on the hoover to prevent the dust leak. Use a heavy duct tape. I decided to try it out yesterday, and it appears to work through the 2.5 hours of vacuuming at two different locations.
Note also, this item is not (exactly) as shown on Amazon. Instead of two equal columns of hepa fan filter, the version I received has an additional "third" 1cm column along the middle of the panel apart from that the design looks similar Material used & finish differs. Filter material seem less robust than original though the third column may well reinforce it structurally to compensate.
Came as loose unpackaged items. In fact all items purchased on this order were loose & unpackaged. If you live in the US and get free postage, then take your chance perhaps it is a case of getting what you pay for. Even then it has to be fit for purpose.
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