As a home-improvement contractor, I've been faced with the question of how to install additional ventilation in existing structures -most often, the need for exhaust venting in a bathroom that had no original fan. In both cases where I've used this thru-wall fan, it's been the right solution at an extremely reasonable cost ... eliminating the need to cut into ceilings, deal with insulation, run power circuits in attics, cut holes in roofs, weave shingles, seal leaks, etc. It's easy to tap an existing power or lighting circuit, connect this fan, cut a rough-sized hole through the wall and connect the three pieces of the unit. If you need venting in a room that abuts an exterior wall, use this great solution!
And power/airflow? One elderly customer -a real joker -told me, "Boy, when I get out of the shower and turn on that fan, I'd better not be standing near it or it'll suck the towel right off me and pull it through the vent!"
I think he was joking ...!
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