I share a room with my 2 1/2 year old. I can burn incense, open windows, use Febreeze or other room sprays, and every type of room Freshener available at my local Target, Wal Mart, etc. They all work to a degree. However, none of them actually eliminate the odor like this product does! One day, I purchased one of these discs for my bathroom since it worked so well on the nasty food smells (or better described as science experiments), I bought another one for the bathroom. It worked wonders there. Then I put one in my bedroom, next to my toddlers bed, in the closet where the dreadful smelly pail sits. I woke up the next morning and realized that the smell was gone!!! Seriously!!! I was shocked. As well as I wrap up some of those stinky 'bombs' my daughter makes in her diaper, nothing has ever come close to the effectiveness of this product. I'll be buying more, and will be gifting one to her daycare provider just to show off what a find I have using these! It will be a true test in a daycare setting with a group of half a dozen toddlers 'contributing' to the diaper pails all day long.
My mother uses Arm & Hammer, my mother before her, and so on. It works, so I'll continue the tradition!
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