Measurements of power consumption:
Quiet mode: 3 watts
Medium: 8 watts
High: 16 watts
Based on this I'd say the device deserves its energy star rating.
The quiet mode is almost imperceptible in a room with some other background noise (traffic, wind), the medium level is far quieter than the low speed mode of some cheaper filters (Holmes,Honeywell) that I've used. The high mode is similar in noise level to a medium setting on a cheap filter, perhaps a little quieter.
The quality of the noise is very uniform. I only hear some variation in sound on the quiet mode, the fan seems to rub against something on every cycle. This will likely go away with use.
The ionizer makes a steady on-off very high pitched (probably not audible to older ears) noise sometimes and very little at others. This may have to do with humidity. It can be turned off.
Ionizer/Plasma Cluster:
Running this in an empty room for a few minutes and entering the room I notice a very big difference. The air feels very close to the "after a storm" feeling. Their web site explains how this technology works if you want the details, but it definitely alters the "feel" of the air in the room in a significant way.
The blue light on the front is way too bright, as with most appliances these days. I guess you can put a sticker on it or color it with a black permanent marker to dampen that down. That's my only dislike so far.
Its design is such that you might assume you could mount this on a wall. Not so. It is for floor use only as far as I can tell.
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