I purchased this air purifier at another store last year for double the price. I think it has been discontinued because I cant find it on the Holmes website, but all the filters are available. It is excellent. I have it in my finished basement and it has made the biggest difference. I'm a very clean person and we run a dehumidifier in the basement in the summer, but year round, I smell nothing anymore no basement smells or pet smells (we now have a dog). Also, we get the occasional mouse which leaves a rodent smell and that worried me, but that is all gone as well. I went off my allergy medicine when I purchased this purifier to do a test and have not had to go back on it. I am sensitive to dust mites, dander and such which irritate my allergies, but I have been pill free since last year which is a big plus. I have my purifier on the lowest setting for the higher settings are a little loud to me. Since this purifier is only $69, I feel it would be a wonderful investment to those of you haunted by allergies like mine. My nose is little runny now but nothing that is not expected time of year here in NH when temps have been in single digits which means the dry air makes your allergies worse. I also have a humidifier on my first floor to add moisture in the air. We are a comfortable family that no longer need to pop a daily pill.
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