I have had my Eureka 4870 vacuum for 7 yrs. I replaced the generic HEPA filters I WAS buying from other Amazon suppliers with the black 3M Filtrete Model HF-2 listed here, and (believe it or not) the black 3M Filtrete is far superior IMHO. The amount of air is much greater coming out of the front of the vac. A restricted HEPA Filter is just like a restricted bag. The generics I had used before had an orange casing & had the A & H scent "pad" in the center. Not good....not only did they smell worse than no scent at all but obviously the scent pad was restricting the air flow. Do not buy the Arm & Hammer models. They are shown on the first image above but mine does not look like that at all. The 3M Filtrete package is red & blue not red & white as the Arm & Hammer is. The 3M Filtrete Eureka HF-2 allows more air to pass through the vac, meaning more suction. Mine has the model # 67802A on the back (not front) of the wrapper, does not mention ARM & HAMMER just 3M Filtrete & has a black filter case and may be difficult to find now with all the look-alikes and wrong pics posted. I have posted my own images above of the new one I just received today. I'll gladly pay the extra $5 or so over the cheap generics. The vac also now makes a satisfying deep suction sound I have never heard before. I also use 4 of the 3M Filtrete stand-alone HEPA air filters so I know they make great filters. Worth the small $$ difference to me for sure. Try one for yourself. I ordered from Amazon Prime & they did not send the Arm & Hammer shown in the first pic. Thank goodness. The correct 3M Filtrete package is red & blue with a model # 67802A on the back, not 61111 on the front. Confusing.
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