Bottom line up front These are high quality units that seem to do every thing that is claimed of them well. I have not found any competition for twice the price in my searches. So, if you need an air purifier for a small space, look no further than the GT50. I would recommend that you buy them from The Green Giraffe. I have not dealt with a company more interested in making sure that the customer was happy and the product did what it was expected to do! In my experience and having lived all over the world I have never received more concern than from The Green Giraffe! I would rate them 5 stars! More if I could....
I had two problems that I had hoped to solve. We have a cat and her box is in our bathroom. Although it is kept clean, there are times it doesn't smell that way. The other was in my office at the university. Both areas are larger than the 50 sq. feet that the GT50 is designed to deal with. So, I began searching the Internet and began my research. I had read about a larger system on Dr. Mercola's site and looked on other sites where I had previously bought a purifier. I found a review on the GreenTech GT3000 and it looked a lot like the one that was so well recommended on Dr Mercola's site. It met the requirements what I wanted, but was designed for a larger area than those that I needed to purify. So, another search on GreenTech found the GT50. It sounded perfect for the task and it was only $50! So, I ordered two! They arrived 2 days later and I installed the first one in the bathroom. Within minutes of being turned on the air smelled fresh and clean! I did adjust the output to get the most benefit without any ozone odor. The next day I took the other one to work and it worked just as well in making the air smell clean! It seemed to give me increased energy as well.
I did comment on the merchant feedback that I was very happy with the GT50s, but that they were louder than I had expected from previous customer comments that they were silent. It is not that they are loud, but that they were not silent. They sounded like they had a small fan inside which you can hear from as much as 10 feet away if it is quiet and if you are listening for it. I was surprised the next day to receive an email from the owner of The Green Giraffe who was concerned with the sound and asked if I would call her. I called and we had a very useful conversation about the sound and her worries that the product was not operating correctly. She was sufficiently concerned to immediately send out two new units and return label information for the two that I had. They arrived the very next day!!! I replaced the one in the bathroom and monitored it. It made the same sounds as the one it replaced... a quiet not objectionable fan noise. I called her with this news and said that I thought that there was a fan inside, thus the noise was not a problem. In fact, I asked her if I could keep the first two and pay for the new ones that she had already sent. That was arranged and now I have four! The owner wrote the next day and said that she had contacted the manufacturer of the GT50 and they had confirmed that there was in fact a fan in the unit. Again she went far beyond any merchant would normally go to investigate a problem due to her concern with wanting to provide a quality product and customer experience!
One of the new GT50s went in my son's room that despite cleaning the carpet still had the faint smell of cigarette smoke from previous owners of our home. Although this room is almost 8 times larger than the stated capacity of the GT50 it smelled clean and smoke free by the next morning! The other was installed in the kitchen that is also much larger than the 50 sq. feet served by the GT50. The result is excellent!
I will close this "book" by reiterating that the GT50 is everything claimed of it so far and that there is no better place to buy it than from The Green Giraffe! No... they didn't pay me to write this!
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