The manufacture made me return it AT MY OWN EXPENSE and then they sent me a new unit. Took 2 months.
Well, the new unit arrived 8 days ago. It died an hour ago. I called the customer service and refused to pay to send it back AGAIN.
They ARE sending me out a new unit (again), but it will take up to 10 business days to receive. They agreed to send a pre-paid shipping label this time too. (Could take a month though.)
Meanwhile, I have nothing. After reading the reviews below, I could have kicked myself. I subscribe to the online version of Consumer Reports so did what another did...looked it up. Consumer Reports says this Ionic Breeze only "removes a few particles from the air", nothing else. They also did the test, as the infomercial showed, of putting the Breeze in an enclosed space with smoke and turned it on. It did NOT do what the infomercial said. It did not "power through smoke". It did nothing.
I am taking the advice of Consumer Reports. I am refunding my money on the Breeze and purchasing "the high-scoring Friedrich C-90A and Whirlpool AP45030HO models" which DOES work...and work well.
Avoid the Ionic Breeze unit, for the home AND/OR the car.
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