A quaint personal lil teapot artfully designed with noted appreciation to the detail of the gold-plated loose leaf coil. The gold-plated coil placed directly in-front of interior of pour spout extends to tip of spout. Preventing most tea particles from being poured into cup when using loose leaf teas. The gold-plated coil vs. other metal coils eliminates the metallic aftertaste that is created when serving hot/cold teas. The lid is kept on by a glass design feature on top of handle with a steam release hole that can be moved by turning lid. The tea pot is recycled borosilicate glass, varied heat exchange -4 to 300f without a problem, handmade, with the pleasure of using loose leaf or bagged teas. I chose this borosilicate glass teapot for the features mentioned above as well as for the visual esthetics's when the tea is ready. Knowing in my choice of selecting this type of glass tea pot to enjoy a cup of tea, the process is a bit slower. For me this is good, as it does slow me down all the while creating a mental environment of personal calm. As well as taking my time in the selection of tea to enjoy for the moment at hand; Weather personal time or with a friend or two. The 16oz. is a good size for personal or with a friend or two. Choosing to purchase a few more to have on hand so a selection of tea can be enjoyed by all.
Plato Teapot 16 oz pot,(Teaposy)
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