Is it too much to ask for a vacuum to pick up stray pieces of paper, not to spit dirt out the back, and be light? This one fits the bill. I owned a dirt devil featherlite 9 years ago but after my husband touched it after 8 years, it didn't suck much anymore. Up till then it worked great. So I bought a vacuum that cost triple this vacuum thinking more expensive so it should be a wonderful vacuum. NOT! It didn't work well at all. Wouldn't pick up papers and kept shredding paper over the carpet, wouldn't suck it up. It also kept spitting dirt out the back on hard floors, or at least every direction except up the canister. I had a herniated disc for 10 months, every time I used the expensive vacuum, it was so heavy and bulky it kept throwing my back out more and kept me down for a week in pain. I was so happy to see kohl's had the new improved version of my old featherlite. It works as good if not better than the last one I had. It sucks really well. I have fun watching the dirt starting to move toward the vacuum before I even get to it. No spitting out the back at all! It is really lightweight but not as wide as other vacuums. The air coming out blows up so items on the refrigerator get blown off sometimes. I don't mind. This is perfect for my 1400 sq foot house and my back is thanking me. Even if I had a larger house, I wouldn't hesitate to use this one. It may take me a few minutes longer but is so worth it. This one even fits nicely in my small coat closet, unlike the more expensive vacuum. I had to force, pull and tug it in. Needless to say the bulky expensive vacuum is gone for good! Just because a vacuum costs more, doesn't mean it's better! I highly recommend this product!

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