I am using these bags with my Miele Capricorn S5981 and like them a lot. They are extremely well made and in fact so substantial-looking that the first time I looked at them I thought surely this was a permanent bag and the actual dust collection bag would be inside it separately. Not so these are in fact the bags you change out. Very impressed with that. They are also very easy to install and remove with no spillage from the bag when it is full.
That said, the price is mind-bogglingly high. Four bags for 19 dollars comes to $4.75 per bag. Ouch. Half that would be plenty, especially when like us you live with three cats and have a lot to vacuum on a daily basis. The one-star deduction is for that only.
Other than that this is possibly the most perfect vacuum bag there is. On second thought, make that the most perfect expensive vacuum bag there is :-)
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