There's nothing positive I can say about this product, but as for the negatives...
It has barely any effect on the room temperature when set to air-cooling mode.
It's extremely loud and obnoxious. Seriously, it sounds just like an idling lawn mower.
Emits a nasty, exhaust-like smell.
Save yourself the time and money, you really don't want this product at any price.
EDIT (6/10/11): My suspicions about the other 2 reviewers (Ken Manning, Dave Martin) at the time of my purchase can be confirmed by their reviewing and tagging history. Look for yourselfBoth have only reviewed this product (with a raving positive review of course), and have tagged every Whynter product with an assortment of positive/descriptive adjectives. Ken Manning even went so far as to tag several competing products as "defective" and "not cold". Well, I know what brand NOT to trust now.
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