Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Healthmate Jr. HEGA

I bought the Austin Healthmate Jr. about 5 years ago for a dusty area and have been happy with it. The three things I like best about it are that you don't have to buy filters very often because you can vacuum the outside of the filter and that it's relatively quiet. The other thing is that it's a HEPA filter takes air in on all four sides and blows the filtered air out through the top area. It seems to do a good job of filtering the air. It's more energy efficient than air purifiers I've used in the past and it has 3 speeds which is nice.

If you use it in really dusty conditions like mine, you can replace the pre-filter more often than the big filter. I've found this type of material that I could cut to fit at a local hardware store. You get a pre-filter with it. You have to take it apart to replace the pre-filter and filters, but it isn't difficult. You can turn off the machine and vacuum it from the outside and that seems to help the filters last longer. Of course, you'll want to use a vacuum cleaner with a hepa filter or you defeat the purpose. I replace mine about once a year, but I think the average person could go much longer.

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