Offhand, I own two FP-P40CX, one KC-150U and two KC-860 units. Suffice to say that I am a fan of Plasmacluster (PIC) technology. While a Blueair MD Pro sits by one side of the bed, a KC-860 sits by the other. An IQAir HealthPro Plus is situated in the family room with a second KC-860 not far away. Lose one point for not retaining the timer and remote control found in previous generation FP models. As of February 2011, the KC-860 is the most powerful stand-alone PIC, room purification unit available to the general public as a consumer purchase. Despite its rather flimsy carbon filter and tested in various bathrooms and a kitchen, the KC-860 does an excellent job of controlling odors so long as the Plasmacluster feature is used. Pre-filter is built into the unit housing (ala Austin Air) for ease of maintenance. KC-860 uses the same exact filters as do KC-100U/KC-150U/KC-850U for ease of filter sourcing. Ion generation crackle is clearly audible on these new models and is likely attributed to greater plasma and hence, ion output. Humidifying filter life can be extended through the use of a silver kill coil within the water tank. Unit can be run dry without the humidifying function in operation. Does not adequately cover stated square footage. CADR = Room Size = 245 Square Feet Area Coverage. Assuming ambient readings, the humidity sensor is typically off by less than 9% versus readings off a Kestrel 4200. Though its one-year warranty manufacturer leaves much to be desired, the KC-860 combines lightweight HEPA and carbon filters, electrostatic filtration and active hydroxyl radical sanitization under a brand name synonymous with good quality over the years. All in all and despite its shortcomings, the KC-860 represents a sane choice in a middle end room purification system that gives mid-high end models a run for their money and then some.
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