There are four of these per box, yet only three are needed per change in our Holmes HAP 650 purifier. The purifier is in use in a converted basement bedroom in the house -it has a moisture control problem, we have the diaper changing table in there, and we own dogs. The evidence is clear every time we change these filters. Not only is there a lot of dust, dander, pet hair and whatever collected in these, but the smell of the room becomes noticeably improved every filter change.
The main function of these filters is to keep the more expensive HEPA filter beneath Holmes HAPF600D from getting clogged. They can be rinsed out under the faucet, by the way, if you don't mind the hassle of the cleaning and the drying. For us, changing these charcoal pre-filters out ever 3-4 months gives us about a years worth of use on the HEPA filters behind them.
Replacement is simple enough: just open the door, pull out the old pads if they're yucky, and the new ones press into place.
My only gripes with these are, for the price they're charging, they ought to put six in the box to provide two full changes. But I do appreciate that they keep the HEPA filters unobstructed for a full year.
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