For those folks that do not understand this device, anything in a house laying around that rots or molds or gives off smells usually has carbon and hydrogen as part of its composition. This device creates ozone or Oxygen-3 molecules (O3)which are highly unstable and then emits these into open surrounding space. Because this O3 comes off the device as a concentrated gas it tries to spread into any open spaces and cracks and crevices to "even out" with the surrounding air. At the same time the unstable O3 scavenges or breaks apart most if not all things causing smells by breaking down and combining with the carbon and hydrogen of the odor-producing item or substance. This process forms two more stable mixtures of gas: H2O or water vapor and CO2 or carbon dioxide. These relatively harmless and odorless gases dissipate throughout or out of the space. The smells are effectively chemically erased by this process. A friend's old house had a roach infestation for years and had accumulated a "dead roach" smell that lingered what seemed permanently after a final extermination. It turned out that dead carcasses and roach waste in a plumbing wall and in and around cabinets, hidden spaces, etc. had implanted this smell throughout the house. Even after cleaning up the dead bugs and remains and trying to spray bleach or clean all available surfaces the smell remained. After only 2 treatments with this device (2 because of the size of the house) you would think you walked into a new home with no smells whatsoever. Be careful to only come back into the house or space long after the unit's timer shuts the unit off. Also upon entering, immediately open windows or turn on fans to let excess/lingering ozone out of the spaces. The ozone will wreak havoc on your respiratory system because it will try to break down mucus in your nasal/breathing tract and can effectively cause a sort of respiratory distress if not careful.

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