Therapure The New Kid on the Block ...and it Shows
This air purifier has promise. But its also shot itself in the foot in a lot of instances. Here's why:
Arbitration Agreement Really?!?
The first thing I notice upon opening the box, is a green leaflet with legal jargon on it, telling me if I decide to keep this unit past 30 days, then I've entered into a binding contract assuring that I won't participate in any class action lawsuits or litigation. Really? Am I a customer or your future ex-husband? I shouldn't have to agree to a pre-nup just to use your product. Big turnoff and silly beyond belief.
Timer Function
Not sure where this one's coming from. Set a timer to have the air purifier turn on anywhere from 1-24 hours in the future. Again... Really?! As if I'm planning on expecting pollutants in the air at a specific time? Life doesn't work that way, and timers on HEPA filters suggest a blatant misunderstanding of how pollutants and allergens work. This filter needs a SENSOR not a timer.
No Sensor
Any air purifier worth its salt has a sensor on it that increases efficiency and flow based on the ever changing environment in which it exists. Big flaw IMO.
No Auto Feature
This purifier has 3 fan settings. That's it. Since it has no sensor, there's no way for it to make its own adjustments, so you have to decide up front how polluted your environment is. In one respect, it makes logical sense to put this on High and leave it there, so it continually cleans the air with maximum efficiency. However, there are certainly times when one needs varying degrees of filtration. It's not a question of electricity, but rather how much continual air flow you want in the room. An auto feature is just essential in my opinion. If not, then just put this thing on High and forget about it. Because running it on lower speeds is the same as buying a less expensive purifier with less capacity. Make no mistake, unless you're in a plastic bubble, there's always something in the air that needs to be filtered. So for me, it's High, Auto, or what's the point?
Not Bedroom Friendly
... at least not without duct tape. There's far too many glowing lights for this to be usable in a sleep environment. This is literally brighter than a nightlight, and definitely glares in a darkened room. And there's no way to turn any of that glowing annoyance off. It was the same problem with my Rabbit Air, and like that one, all these nifty little lights are utterly useless if you have to cover them up and tape them off, just to go to sleep. You either have to constantly remove that stuff and put it back on at night, or ruin the entire look by permanently leaving it on. And at that point, why bother with any of the lights in the first place? This one is better suited for a den or living room, or possibly a bedroom, if you don't mind bright lights or use a sleep mask.
Now For The Good Parts:
> Permanent Filter Just pop off the back vent and vacuum it clean. Do NOT Wash it! If it does get damaged, or stained over time, replacements are inexpensive.
> UV Bulb Disinfects and cleans the air. This is a proven technique used by hospitals and is highly efficient, and by far, the best feature of this purifier. Replacement bulbs are also inexpensive, so Bonus points on that one.
> Sleek Design Looks chic and cool, and I actually like the illumination, just not for the bedroom.
> Nice Controls Everything is nicely laid out and easy to read on the top of the unit. Just plug it in, and turn it on, and you're good to go. However, it remembers none of your settings. So if you turn it off and back on, or have a power failure, you have to remember to turn the UV light and ionizer separately. Other purifiers remember your settings.
> Included Ionizer Helps clean the air more efficiently, but does cause particles and dust to accumulate near the unit. But keep in mind, if not for this purifier, that crud would be in the air you're breathing, so it's just doing it's job by attracting it to the purifier.
Bottom Line -Compared to the rest, this air purifier is just ok. It does a perfectly good job of air filtration, it's just lacking in refinement. Remember, I'm a veritable boy in the plastic bubble, living in an atmospheric controlled environment. I know a thing or two about air filtration. This Therapure shows promise, but is in no way ready to compete with the real contenders out there. And the Arbitration Agreement is just plain baffling. Trust your customers at least as much as you expect them/us to trust your product.
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