I was realllly hoping on this one and am not disappointed.
I went straight for this version, "Heavy Duty" because I figured welll the issue at hand needed it.
The product comes in about 20 versions at this point and I get the feeling that the one that's best for one individual may not be the one that's best for all. Diet and body chemistry dictate.
This version killed about 85% of my own scent and about 90% of the other offender's scent. Yes that means to a degree it too mixed perfume with odor and I found that sickening indeed but it does limit the "reach" of the stench to a couple of feet where without treatment the aroma was getting more than 15ft from the bathroom. Yes I did try using even more than they recommend, that didn't help.
What I don't like (and why it got 4 stars) is this fragrance also reaches about 15ft its own self, since its a spray. I wish they made it a pump or pour. The spray also reaches your eyes if you like me have short arms so I switched to pouring it in the bowl even though yes I know that may mean I'll use it faster. Perfect application! None reached my eyes and the scent of the Pourri stayed right in the bathroom where I wanted it. No wafting down the hall to broadcast its just been used. Further like aerosols going allll the way back to clothing ironing spray, the thing clogs about half way through its contents leaving you to needle and poke to open its airway. So I'm definitely pouring the contents each one into a different vessel so I don't have to be bothered with all of that.
Not one to give up totally eliminating the main issue at hand, I tried another scent version, Deja Poo Poo Pourri Deja Poo Before-you-go 4 Oz Bathroom Spray and Voila 100% success. Not even a hint of "going" was detectable, not even if you were in the room with me.
I'd say a family of 4 needs 4oz per month and by the way it hides the scent of #1 completely as well [sometimes mal-health strikes and a a person isn't producing light colored low odor urine]. Suggestion: THREE SPRAYS works just as well as the 4-6 they suggest and lowering the dose will save you money.
Need more help? I'm loving the scent free-ness of Bad Air Sponge The Original Bad Air Sponge Odor Neutralant. Removes odors without adding one. That I truly applaud. Many are too allergic and asthmatic to handle essential oils of any variety.
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