The GOOD NEWS: I was very happy with the look of it, and I liked the feature that when you are using it for purification it automatically switches back to the main tap when you shut off the water stream. The Power Sprayer feature is also nice. It sprays water with more force than my kitchen sink's hose and really blasts items clean!
The BAD NEWS: Determining which adapter (Metric vs. Imperial) to use is an iffy thing. (I discovered that my Moen faucet did better with the grey, metric adapter.) But the worst part is that neither screw on deeply/tightly enough, nor have the rigidity of hold to keep the entire unit on. As soon as I turned on the water, the entire unit blasted off! A couple of times of this and I lost the black washer the goes inside the adapter down the garbage disposal. (Note to self: Stopper up the sink when next I try putting anything on the faucet!) Without this washer, water will squirt EVERYWHERE no matter how tightly you try to screw it on to the faucet with the included plastic turning tool.
Since only ONE appropriate washer is in the package, I had to go to Lowe's and Home Depot to find a washer to replace this one. After trying several "hard' gaskets, and some O-rings. I finally found a rough replacement for the washer with an Aerator Repair Kit. Unfortunately, the washer wasn't ideal and although I was able to get a few days of decent use from the unit, it unexpectedly "blasted off" again one night when I simply turned on the tap.
RESOLUTION: I sent two e-mails to Instapure Customer Service one night over the 4th of July weekend and followed up with a call on Tuesday morning when they opened for business out in Colorado. The Customer Service rep was polite, read my e-mails and listened to my complaint. I asked for (and GOT) a METAL adapter this time, along with two replacement washer kits and a spare plastic, metric adapter. They sent them out on Tuesday and they arrived USPS yesterday (Thursday). The METAL adapter immediately grabbed onto the faucet with a solid grip, and I was able to use a conventional "Vise Grip" to ensure tightness. NO LEAKS, and the unit seems to be staying on. We'll see how it does over the course of a month or more.
BOTTOM LINE: The water that is filtered tastes fine. The features are nice. It is simple to install, BUT BE AWARE, the plastic adapters may not actually hold the unit on to your faucet! In that case, call Instapure (go to their web site for their Customer Support phone number), and ask for a METAL adapter.
NOTE TO INSTAPURE: Instapure, you should include ONLY METAL ADAPTERS for this product! The little extra money it will cost you will pay for itself many times over in saving you postage to send them out after the fact, AND will garner you MUCH more positive customer feedback!
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