Finally I sent the unit back for repair/replacement, and since it was winter and wanted to keep the humidity in my house at an appropriate level, I purchased a second unit, which I figured later on to use in the bedrooms area. It was around Christmas time, but it took three weeks to get the repaired unit back. Once back it worked fine, and I kept both units going. When both were working, my electronic temperature and humidity control was measuring between 25 and 30%, which I consider on the low end of humidity during the winter months, with gas hot-forced-air heating, and I kept the units runnning 24-7, except when adding water to the tanks.
A few weeks later it was time to clean both units and lo and behold, one of them would not run and had to play with the magnetic rotor for maybe one hour or so until it would start running properly. Put both units back to work, and the next day, one of them is sitting in a 12-inch poodle of water. Could not figure out what was the problem; took it apart, put it back together, and then again problem with the magnetic rotor. Finally got it to work only at medium speed (it has a 3-speed dial).
By this time I was quite disappointed and decided to take both units and donate them to a non-profit organization, while looking to buy another brand for next winter. Sorry I bought it. I will do better next time.
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