I was really hesitant to buy this AC. Originally the AC was made by Panasonic. When Panasonic made it, it was a terrific AC and very quiet. I had to replace my 10,000 BTU Panasonic AC with the Friedrich version of the same AC two years ago. That 10,000 Friedrich version sounds like a truck. Watching TV is usually a real problem. Cool the room, turn off the AC, listen to TV and repeat.
When my 7800 Panasonic from 2005 hit the dust this year, I deliberated. I heard the Friedrich CP08G10 in the store and it seemed quiet enough. I seem to have gotten lucky. The new Friedrich is pretty quiet. Maybe it is not as great as the original Panasonic version, but it is definitely quiet enough so that I can sleep. I don't guarantee you will have the same experience since I think quality control is poor at Friedrich. Also, I am writing this review after only two nights of use. But, I am feeling positive. Suggest you try to buy an AC in an undamaged box. I have a feeling these ACs can't take the rough and tumble of shipping.
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