We have missionary friends in primitive areas of India and Africa who have also found the Berkey system to play a critical role in their lives. Everyone is happy with its performance.
Regarding those who say it "leaks", I can authoritatively say that the spigot only leaks for those who don't know how to "screw a lid on tight" or don't know how to properly connect a hose onto a faucet. The only "leak" issue that potential purchasers will need to be prepared for, is that it can be overfilled, causing the water to leak out between the upper and lower chambers.
Obviously, if the upper chamber is overfilled, it will cause the lower chamber to overfill, resulting in a overflow between the two. This is only a problem for those who are unprepared.
Screw on the spigot well and don't overfill, and you won't have any problems.
This is truly a professional product, that is NOT just a water filter it is a very sophisticated water purifier. It does what it is supposed to do and does it very, very well. It is exceptionally well built and performs flawlessly.
Don't be misled by those who are misinformed and don't know the basic fundamentals of how to screw on a faucet. I now own three of them and have no regrets.
It's operation is simple. It's performance is stellar. It's quality is unrivaled. And the end product is truly life saving!
Buy it with confidence. Use it with unbridled trust. Foreign workers all over the world depend on it and you can too!
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