I own one of these and am getting ready to purchase a second. I have severe asthma, and this machine greatly reduces the amounts of contaminents in the air and makes my life a whole lot easier. My brother also has owned one for YEARS, and NEVER turns it off. The air is so much cleaner and purer when this is in use. I live in the panhandle of Texas where the wind and the dust NEVER stop blowing, and when you walk into a room, you can tell if the machine is on or not. It removes much of the dust, not all of it, it is not a miracle machine. As far as an ionizer, I don't really know what it does. All I know is I can breath with this machine on, and my medication intake is greatly reduced. I find cleaning it very easy. One screw under the front, remove the filter, dust it off, dust the inside of the machine, reach in and remove the metal screen thing, run it under water, pull out the back and dust it off. Re-assemble, and turn it back on and breath again. I would greatly recommend it for anyone with any type of COPD.

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