So why would you pay so much extra above the price of the smaller 10K unit, yet stop short of going all out for the 15,000 BTU unit? Only one reason window height. Beyond 12,000 BTU the case gets much larger, which means it won't fit in some window styles.
Price not important? Measure your window, and if it fits get the bigger 15K unit.
Price important? Then why would you pay so much more for this one over the 10K unit?
I've bought and run this size, but only in special cases where I was restricted by window size and had a really large room to cool.
Also to consider... here's the review I gave on another model that is relevant to this one:
Between family and rent houses I put all types and sizes to the test every year in the scorching Texas sun. Here's my experience:
If you want a solid window air conditioner, it really boils down to two choices: Frigidaire and LG. The current "sweet spot" on reliability/price/economy is the 10,000 BTU unit regardless of make/manufacturer.
Recently they've been making 12,000 & 15,000 BTU 110V (normal plug) units.
-The 12000 BTU truly is 20% stronger, but you pay 50% more here on Amazon.
-The 15000 BTU is a snowball tossing beast, but it's in a larger case that may not fit your window (height-wise) and doesn't have a long history on the market so we don't know how it will do long-term
LG Pros The 10,000 BTU LG is my "workhorse". Best value. Run them till they fail in 4 to 7 years, then swap `em out for another.
1) Better warranty (but really, who cares when it breaks because you're sitting there sweating)
2) Typically last an additional 2-3 years over other brands
3) An LG rarely just stops running it will degrade slowly over a season
4) They are more tolerant of neglect (e.g. dirty filters... can't rely on tenant to care for your stuff)
5) Better withstands being placed in harsher environments (direct sunlight, restricted airflow)
6) Lower "lemon" rate
Frigidaire Pros For family I prefer to run 12,000 & 15,000 BTU Frigidaires. They are a little nicer, and I consider it worth it even though they always break sooner. (Value and reliability aren't as important, but I do have to compensate by keeping a new boxed spare around because they always fail at the most inopportune moments. Most people can't do this.)
1) A little nicer looking
2) Better features
3) Quieter
4) Slightly easier installation
5) Circuit surge/drain on startup seems significantly less (think lights flickering when compressor comes on)
Other parting thoughts:
1) A thing to know about newer units: To obtain the higher EER (efficiency) ratings, they use finer design on heat exchanger fins. For the non-experts, this means smaller little spaces that get jammed up with dirt/mold/whatever resulting in a clogged/filthy/poorly operating unit much-much faster than your parents' old units. Appliance repair stores can service your window unit every year (clean it of filth) that will extend life by at least 2 years and sometimes much more. Of course this costs anywhere from $50 up, and the units are cheap, so it's your call whether to service or toss it.
2) The 10,000 BTU Frigidaire here on Amazon is a good buy w/Amazon Prime shipping. For other higher BTU models, as of this writing you'll be paying more but also know that right now with the national heatwave most box stores are sold out so you may not have a choice.
3) Something this heavy is a risky ship (versus store pickup). It might be shipped wrong-side-up, or dropped, or whatever. It's a risk you'll run so do so knowingly. (I seem to have pretty good luck w/Amazon shipped items.) The risk is offset, however, by advantages of buying from Amazon (store would take forever, you'd have to load it and bring it home, have to have a vehicle large enough to carry it, etc.)
4) Clean. Your. Filter. Every. Week. It will keep your little ice machine healthy.
5) Different stores have different models from the same maker. If they are made in the same year, it doesn't seem to make a difference.
6) Tempted to go cheap like a Haier? Don't.
7) Tempted to buy a 6,000 or 8,000 BTU model? Don't. Get the stronger unit. It will cool down the room faster. It will not need to work as hard as a weaker unit and last longer. It is built with some stronger/better key components.
Good luck and happy cooling.
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