I suffer from severe mold allergies and have dedicated a substantial amount of time and money to a several year trial and error process with quite a few air filtration and purification machines. Through the course of this, I have purchased and used extensively both the Air Oasis AO3000, EcoQuest's Vollara Fresh Air and their smaller Ecobox, IQ Air Healthpro Plus, RabbitAir BioGS, and the Honeywell 18155 SilentComfort. Now the latter 3 machines are more traditional HEPA based air filtration machines that filter impurities out of the air and neutralize oders with carbon fibers. The first two machines are more like purification/neutralization machines that use ozone technology they lack actual filtration capabilities. If you go to the bottom of this review, I make some recommendations on how to couple these two technologies (HEPA filtration and ozone purification) together to get a good result. Since I feel like I'm writing an infomercial right now, I'd like to take a moment and stress that I am only basing my findings on personal experience and the results I experiences. No scientific lab results and no specific quantifiable metrics were involved. However, I can assure you this review is real and if you check out my Amazon profile, you will see I am a serious reviewer and I'm a hard to please customer. I give a lot more negative reviews than positive ones and I give 5 stars very rarely.
My first ozone technology experiment was with the EcoQuest Vollara Fresh Air and also their smaller Ecobox unit. The Fresh Air unit is powerful and definately puts out a strong, sanitizing ozone effect wherever you place it. It neutralized mold and my allergies got much better within a day of using the unit. The problem is the ozone that is created really started to irritate my lungs and resulted in breathing problems. When I had friends visit, they loved it as first as well but also experienced similar breathing problems after running it all night. So I started to use the Fresh Air unit as more of a spot treatment when I knew I would be away for a few days or even overnight in an empty room with the door shut. For this purpose, it works great.
But I didn't want to give up on the idea of using ozone to deal with mold in the air so I discovered Air Oasis which uses ozone but treats in with an additional process to reduce the final ozone output to a level that is within USDA/FDA guidelines. After the first night of using the AO3000, I woke up feeling great and breathing fine. In fact, I have been using it nonstop for over a week and I haven't had any problems. With this machine, you don't get the same strong fresh ozone smell that the Fresh Air unit creates. The AO3000 creates more of a neutral smell that makes the area smell almost like nothing, completely oderless. My mold allergies are much better and I can breathe fine with this unit. I would recommend not keeping it too close to you because I noticed that when I kept it right next to me at my desk, it made me a little lightheaded. So I placed it a bit further away and higher up and it worked great.
As for negatives, I don't like the shape because it's easy to tip over. I would prefer they make this thing is more of a box form that you can set anywhere and not where about it getting knocked over, especially on a countertop. Also there is the high price. But if you've come this far to be looking at ozone utilizing air cleaning machines, then you've probably already come to the realization that all these machines are expensive.
Because these types of machines don't actually have air filtration/debris removal capabilities, they are limited in how much actual air purification they can do. This is why it's probably best to couple it with a machine with a proper Hepa filter. On the low end, you can go with a decently reviewed Honeywell unit or on the high end, you have IQ Air which is like the Ferrari of air cleaners. Now you might be thinking "Why don't I just buy an IQ Air machine which can serve as a stand alone air cleaner since they claim they filter pretty much everything including mold spores?". Well, that's exactly what I did and tried for a year and honestly, even the IQ Air doesn't do the trick when it comes to mold. Only after using the EcoQuest Fresh Air and the Air Oasis AO3000 did I notice substantial improvements in my mold allergies.
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